Wheale Family Ministries- Bio's
Robin Wheale

Robin and Charlene were married in the Fall of 1982. They were blessed with 4 children, Erin, Jeff, Trever and Mark. They have lived on their ranch, near Winfield AB, for the past 40 years where they run their cow/calf pair operation.
Robin grew up around music and his entire family has always been involved with music. While he was growing up, his parents always had people over and the family spent many days singing and playing with friends in their living room. Robin and Charlene have been blessed to be involved in many ministries through out the years and are grateful for everyone that the Lord has brought into their lives. Robin is the pastor at our Country Gospel Church, located on the ranch. He is an ordained minister through Fellowship of Christian Assemblies (FCA). Robin writes most of the songs that the group sings.
One of His greatest joy's is being able to build a facility on the ranch to host functions such as the Annual Country Gospel Camp Meeting in July. Along with the church, (that opened its doors in May 2010,) Robin is excited for future of the ranch and other buildings he has planned. Robin's heart is in seeing souls won for Christ and the ranch is a tool God has blessed to be used in this endeavor [All to the Glory of God]
Get to know Robin:
May 28
Favorite Scripture:
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose
Favorite Hymn:
Whosoever Meaneth Me
Music, Riding, Working on the Ranch
Favorite Food:
Favorite Place(s) to Eat:
Around the Campfire
Favorite Place you've ever been:
Oregon and Prince Edward Island