Wheale Family Ministries- Bio's
Erin Schoepfner

I grew up the firstborn (followed by 3 younger brothers) and only daughter to Robin and Charlene. They are great parents who taught and showed me God’s Love and how to serve others with an open heart! I asked Jesus to be my bestest best friend when I was 5 and was baptized at 15. I’ve been a Sunday school teacher on and off for most of my teenage years and into my twenties. For the last 8 years, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working through Home Care. Sharing God’s love and asking Him to shine through me daily as I worked with my clients and co-workers. I was always known for “being different” ,”not like the others” I believe it’s because Jesus working through me! I have loved singing and music my whole life and grew up with it all around me…especially fond memories of waking up in the middle of the night to hearing my dad singing and playing his guitar! I started singing with Dad and Karin, shy at first, but learned to just “make a joyful noise” for Christ. Now being part of the whole family group, I love it!
In June 2010, God blessed me with a special, wonderful man, Clint Tuner. We were the first marriage started off in “The Little Country Church” on June 9, 2012!! I moved up to his family farm up near Dawson Creek, BC, where we lived and farmed the family farm. Sadly, in April of 2021, Erin's beloved husband, Clint, was called to his Heavenly home. He is greatly missed by the whole family, and will forever be in out hearts.
God has been a steady rock for me and has blessed me with another wonderful man, who came into my life and has been a wonderful support and adventure partner. Steve and I got married surrounded by family in June of 2023. It was a small, beautiful ceremony and I am in awe of God blessings in my life. We continue to farm near Dawson Creek together.
It’s been a bit of a change being away from my family and the group. But as God permits, I will always be a part of the group! Thankfully, God has placed us in a wonderful church where He has placed me in the music ministry! All for HIM!!
Get to know Erin:
December 7
Favorite Scripture:
Proverbs 3:5-6 “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Psalm 95 “ Make a Joyful Noise”
Favorite Hymn:
It Is Well, Tell It To Jesus, among many more!
Scrap booking, Card making, Music, Cross stitching, Crafty stuff
Favorite Food:
Cheese cake…mmmmmmm!
Favorite Place(s) to Eat:
Subway & Twin Dragon
Favorite Place you've ever been:
Prince Edward Island & Newfoundland